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The Gathering
the crazy way
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Christian Vision for Men

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Posted date: 27 Jun 2018


This year’s Gathering took place from 22-24 June and was an amazing time of fun, laughter, memories and most importantly men becoming first-time followers of Jesus... loads of them!


We’ve received loads of messages and stories of lives changed and set right by the Lord Jesus. Here’s one story:

“My wife noticed the difference immediately and was walking round the flat in a daze...”

Guys I just wanted to thank you for the amazing weekend, something profound happened to me on Saturday evening. 

I answered the call and went forward to get prayed for, thinking no one is going to bother, God isn't interested in me because the stuff I had been involved in was so beyond the pale. 

A bit of back story, I was in the Army in Northern Ireland in the Late 70s and early 80s and worked in Intelligence in the ‘grey bit’ between legal and illegal! 

We justified it to ourselves by saying that it was OK to do bad stuff [as it was] for the greater good. 

I have carried this guilt for all these years going through the motions at church but still carrying the monkey on my back thinking that I was unforgivable. This guilt fueled my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and caused me to have flashbacks and nightmares...

...but on that Saturday I slept for 8hrs with no nightmares and an incredible sense of calm. I didn't get up to check outside. 

So despite my cynicism and doubt, Jesus has come into my life in an amazing way. When I got back home, my wife noticed the difference immediately and was walking round the flat in a daze. So from the bottom of my heart thank you for organising such an awesome event and helping me to come back to faith. I am going bring a close buddy of mine next year who has similar issues, as I want him to find the psychological healing that I found.

Anon (TG18 attendee)


Booking for The Gathering 2019 opens from 1 July 2018.


  • Hope
  • Global Adventure
  • Care
  • Restored
  • New Wine
  • Who Let The Dads Out?
  • Sorted
  • Armed Forces Christian Union
  • Naked Truth Prayer
  • Compassion
  • Christian Golf Society
  • Edge Ministries
  • Engage
  • Home for Good
  • Christian Police Association
  • Covenant Eyes