Posted date: 11 Aug 2014
A group of guys are climbing Mount Snowdon for a time of prayer and worship at the summit.
Any blokes from the CVM ‘family’ are invited to join them on the summit of Snowdon on Saturday 27th September 2014 at midday. However, if you’re unable to join them, you’re invited to partner them in prayer on the day.
We had a great day last year with a memorable time of worship atop Scafell Pike, with 21 guys taking part.
Here’s the programme for the weekend:
leave Chippenham on Friday to arrive at Snowdon for supper
Share lifts etc still to be worked out
leave hostel at around 08:00
arrive at summit 12:00 noon
praise and intercessions and blessings at 12:45
leave summit at 14:00
gather for meal later in the evening
some fellowship praise and worship after breakfast
Make way back home for supper
If you would like to join in the climb, please contact