Posted date: 7 Jul 2014
CVM recognise the value of adult men investing their time and wisdom in the lives of the men of ‘tomorrow’. We’ve seen, first hand, the long-term negative effect of absent fathers, on their children. Particularly boys.
Children growing up without their biological father are more likely to offend* and 76% of young men in prison/institutes come from homes with absent fathers**.
We want to provide fatherless teenagers and young adults with good mentors to help walk with them at this critical time in their lives.
CVM have teamed up with The eXceL Project (XLP) to train up men and men’s groups to run their own mentoring projects through which they can invest in young people who are struggling with life.
XLP is a registered charity that are at the cutting edge of urban youth work in the UK. It was started by Patrick Regan in Peckham, South London, in 1996 after a stabbing in a school playground. They needed someone to speak to the kids and address the issues they were facing. Patrick, a local youth worker, answered the call. XLP now serves young people in many schools and communities.
With XLP and through our CVM men’s groups we trust that we can make a big difference in the lives of this country’s men-to-be.
Get trained up – Remember the date
CVM and XLP are running a joint training ‘weekend’ for any men or men’s groups that want to step up to mentor young men in desperate need of a Godly male influence.
Date: Friday 21 Nov 21 - Saturday 22 Nov
(More details to follow)