Posted date: 12 Jan 2013
Thank You!
With your generosity, we have managed to raise over £12,500 in our Christmas Appeal.
This is much more than any previous appeal and will go a long way to helping us achieve what we believe God has in store for us during 2013.

If you'd still like to add to our appeal, you can still do so here.
Just as a reminder, this is what we have achieved during 2012:
- Communicated the gospel to approximately 250,000 men
- Seen CVM grow into an international evangelistic movement
- Distributed Defenders to the UK church which was seen by an estimated 40,000 people on Remembrance day hearing the gospel of Jesus
- Seen evangelistic grass roots movement grow to 520 groups with an estimated 100,000 men a year hearing the gospel through you guys on the ground
- Grown The Gathering by 30% to become our biggest ever evangelistic weekend, and saw dozens of guys get saved
- Trained and equipped hundreds of churches, leaders and men's groups including denominations and networks
- Lobbied on issues such as porn addiction and preventing violence against women
- Released The Manual – groundbreaking daily notes for men
- Completed work on a Bible for men (for release 2013)
- Seen The Code movement spread internationally
- Further developed work in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales,
- Started an intern programme to develop and disciple young men
- Worked in partnership with New Wine, Restored, Care, Hope, Fusion, Sorted, Global Adventure
- Set up a male specific apologetics department
- Run a national tour in 12 locations
- Developed a key and groundbreaking work involving online evangelism (secret squirrel!)
- And there's more ... but we think we're only scratching the surface of our vision to reach a million UK men with the great news of Jesus.
Once again, many thanks!