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Posted date: 24 Oct 2012

Courageous Bristol

CVM/New Wine Men's Day, Sat 20 Oct, Woodlands Church, Bristol. 

After a much needed cup of coffee, the day kicked off at 10:15am with an introduction from Mark Melluish (New Wine) and the worship team. We had the bins again - it just seems to add a different spin on things, give the worship a raw and urban feel. Carl Beech (General Director, CVM) spoke on finding your ‘line in the field of lentils’, where you stand your ground and say ‘no more’ to the enemy. We had tea and coffee on tap throughout the day.

Mark then spoke, after more amazing worship, on ‘Standing Together’. As a band of brothers we need to be united in the stand against the world. He also spoke about finding your identity in Christ and this has really helped me and a few of the blokes there who I got to speak to.

After lunch we had a choice of three seminars to go to. The first was Philip Jinadu (Associate Minister, Woodlands Church, Bristol) speaking on ‘Love Running’, trying to get blokes out, getting fit and meeting up together. He spoke about how we can do this in our local towns/cities/villages. The next seminar was Mark Gutteridge (Young Adults Pastor, Woodlands Church, Bristol) on ‘Releasing Young Leaders’, getting younger men into the church. He was very enthusiastic and involved the audience throughout his talk.

The third seminar was Anthony Delaney (Team Leader, Ivy Manchester Church) speaking on ‘Fast Forward’, about when you look back at the path you have taken and you realise where you are and you think ‘how did I end up here?’. He was extremely proactive and said that all of our decisions affect our final destination - so what road are you going down?

We then had a quick pit stop before Carl got up to talk about Ehud. He mentioned how we need to be ‘Ehudic’ and be prepared when the time comes to follow what God is asking you to do. Whether this is to start a petition to get ‘lads mags’ (soft-porn) out of the mainstream shops or just simply being a helping hand to someone in need. God can, and will, use you!

We closed the day off with more worship - and now we can’t wait till the Southampton CVM/New Wine Day in next month.

Written by: Jack Undrell, CVM Intern


More photos can be seen in our Facebook album of the event.

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