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Christian Vision for Men

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Posted date: 16 Jul 2012

The Gathering 2012

Mass Turnout of Men

800 guys knelt with us as we celebrated one of the biggest men’s events in the UK this year. Around 40 men made decisions to follow the teachings of Jesus for the first time sparking widespread celebration at the CVM Gathering 2012.

Braving the torrential rain in Swindon, men from different denominations across the UK united to hear the Christian message at our annual conference.

Graham Kendrick led the large crowd in worship whilst well-travelled musician Roo Walker took charge of the entertainment alongside Sorted Magazine Editor Steve Legg.

Reflecting on the event, CVM General Director Rev Carl Beech, said: “One senior church leader told me he had never been as moved at a Christian Conference as he was over the weekend. It was an amazing time. Highlights for me were seeing nearly 800 men kneeling in the mud worshipping God and the scores of first time commitments to Jesus. The Aston Martin in the "mess tent" was pretty cool too! Plans are now afoot for an even bigger Gathering next year!"

The delegates also enjoyed hovercraft, horizontal bungee and a custom built bar.

Lyndon Bowring, Executive Chairman of CARE, was one of the main speakers at the Gathering. He said: “It was one of the most inspiring weekends I have spent in a long while. The teaching, worship, evangelism, fun & games were the very best. I haven’t laughed so much at a Christian event in years!”

Jon Burns, CEO of Lionsraw, was also a keynote speaker at the Gathering. He added: “I had been looking forward to the Gathering for months, it certainly didn't disappoint. Church meets men and motors, with darts and laughs… what could be better? It was in your face transformation and massively enjoyable".

We have already launched the dates for next year’s event and we encourage you to join us at Lynt Farm, Nr Swindon, from June 21-23.

Book your place now

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