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Posted date: 10 Apr 2012

Bomba runs Belfast

On 7th May 2012, Dan Baldwin (otherwise known as Bomba) CVM friend and supporter, is running all 26.2 miles of the Belfast marathon to raise money for CVM and our work to reach men with the message of Jesus.

So, what do we need funds for? Well, we have a very specific project in mind that for a few reasons we can't divulge the name of just yet. Suffice to say, its 100% evangelistic, cutting edge and communicates the Gospel in an incredibly compelling way. We need to raise at least £8,000 so that we can produce the resource this Autumn, and use it to reach many more thousands of men for Jesus.



Please cheer Bomba and CVM on by donating at least £10

How to give:

  • Text "cvmb01£10" to 70700 (you can give other amounts by adjusting the final number)
  • Visit and follow the instructions on the JustGiving site

Of course, every penny helps so any amount you give makes a huge difference to our ability to deliver.

We caught up with Bomba while he was training a few months ago. He told us how The Code has had a massive impact on his life and why he is 'less of a man' than he used to be. You can watch the YouTube video here:


Dan is living by the code.

Code VI: I will keep my body fit and free from any addictions.

To find out more about The Code, visit


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