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The Gathering
the crazy way
The Code
Christian Vision for Men

News Details

Posted date: 13 Oct 2019


We’re looking for top blokes to be part of our stewarding team at the Gathering (TG20) next summer. The Gathering is our amazing, Gospel centered men’s weekend that takes place in June (26-28). It’s a huge event run by a (relatively) small but committed team and a core element of that team is our group of stewards.


Our stewards at The Gathering are an awesome bunch and pack more into a weekend than most. The Gathering 2020 has even more stuff laid on than previous years, for the 2,500 men we’re expecting, so we certainly need a big team to make TG20 a big success.


We need good men to be stewards. Could that, be you?

As a steward at The Gathering you’ll work hard, but there’s also a chance to play hard too. You will still be able to join in with activities and meetings while playing your part in delivering possibly the best men’s evangelistic weekend in the UK.


Stewards only need to pay £25 to attend TG20. That price includes all meals!


We want to see tons of guys make Jesus their Lord and Saviour at The Gathering next summer. Help us put on the best life-changing event possible.


Find more information here


The Gathering 2020

Fri 26 - Sun 28 June 2020*
In a field near Swindon
Cost for stewards: £25 (includes all meals)
Regular delegate price: £95 (£105 from 1 Nov ’19)


*Stewards are encouraged to arrive on Thursday 25 June, if they can, to help with setup and for a communal barbecue. All stewards must be onsite and available from 10am on Friday 26 June for site and security briefings. Stewards need to stay onsite until all delegates have departed, though we do require as many stewards as possible to stay until Sunday eve or even Monday morning to help with finishing the site tear down.


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