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The Gathering
the crazy way
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Christian Vision for Men

News Details

Posted date: 4 May 2017


Get your name into our programme when you sponsor a bit of The Gathering.


Once again we have a number of different sized sponsorship opportunities for you, your men’s group, church or your business to put your name ‘next to’, helping us deliver a festival like no other. Check out the new stuff on the list for 2017.
Don’t hang about, some items have gone already!

Your name in our printed programme...

For the first time ever, we’re producing a high quality printed programme that will be given to every attendee of The Gathering 2017. Every sponsor will get a special mention in the programme.


We never aim to make a profit out of The Gathering but instead try and invest, all the money that comes in, back into the event. We’re always working to ensure fantastic value for the men attending.

Current sponsorship opportunities:


Official Carrier Bag co-Sponsorship

£(contact office) + provision of 3,000 bags - TAKEN (Cyklone Paint Stirrer)

Camera kit

£500 TAKEN (IDT Division)

The ‘Vlog Shed’

£ Provision of shed - Available

Every man needs his shed. At The Gathering we want to provide a shed for the fellas to retreat to and share their experiences, comments, jokes etc.

The Vlog Shed sponsor will provide a small (approx 6’ x 4’) ‘garden‘ shed. The shed will be delivered and removed by the sponsor.

Skip sponsorship

£500 - Available

Delegates will NOT need to use these for hiding from flying axes. They’re just for the rubbish.

Sponsor the skips - £500

Toilets & showers

£100 - £490 - Available

Make a name for yourselves with all our delegates in one of the busiest areas onsite.

Sponsor a WHOLE shower or toilet block - £490

Sponsor a SINGLE shower or toilet cubicle - £100

Toilet cubicle 1 - TAKEN ('anon') more available

Chairs in Main Tent

£400 - Available

Sponsor all our chairs - £400

Tea in the Mess Tent

£400 - Available

Free tea and coffee is an important feature at The Gathering. Sponsoring our ‘He-Brews’

Sponsor the Tea - £400

Coffee in the Mess Tent

£400 - TAKEN ('Wake Up & Live')

RAF Spitfire & Dakota flyby

£300 - TAKEN (Armed Forces Christian Union)

Table & chairs in Mess Tent

£250 - £450 - Available

Sponsor Mess Tent tables - £250

Sponsor Mess Tent chairs - £250

Sponsor tables & chairs - £450

Bibles for new believers

£TBC - TAKEN (Gideons)

8-lane Scalextric

£300 - TAKEN (Christians In Motorsport)

Fire extinguishers

£300 - TAKEN (GDT Fire Extinguishers Ltd)


Fire bells

£300 - TAKEN (Paul Coleman)



£200 - Available

Inflation has not affected the price for sponsoring these babies.

Sponsor the inflatables – £200


£200 - Available

You can help us move heavy stuff around the site by sponsoring the telehandler.

Sponsor our telehandler - £200

Skittle Alley

£150 - Available

A very popular ‘bar-room’ game at The Gathering.

Sponsor the skittle alley - £150



£150 - Available

Cause men look better hidden inside big inflatable balls.

Sponsor the Zorbs - £150

ATV buggies
£100 each - 2 x TAKEN (ACTS Community Church & Men @ St John's)

Power Generators

£100 each - 1 x TAKEN ('Risen!' The Musical) More available

Even though at The Gathering we seek a Heavenly power source, we also need a few mundane ones dotted around too.

Sponsor a power generator - £100 each

Roadway Panel

£40 per panel - Available
Help us keep the traffic moving.

Sponsor a roadway panel - £40 each


Portable Floodlights

£40 each - 3 x TAKEN (Peter F. Dusek, Trafalgar Rd Baptist Church & Tim Gerry) more available

More available

Well if you’ve ever stood in a field near Swindon at night, you’ll know why we need them.

Sponsor a set of portable floodlights - £40 each



£10 each - 10 x TAKEN (Manor Hire Marquees) more available

More available
This is for the parts of The Gathering that see some of the heaviest footfall. We want to protect some of that lovely green grass in that field near Swindon.

Sponsor a section of Trackmat - £10 each


To sponsor any of the above items contact us:




  • Hope
  • Global Adventure
  • Care
  • Restored
  • New Wine
  • Who Let The Dads Out?
  • Sorted
  • Armed Forces Christian Union
  • Naked Truth Prayer
  • Compassion
  • Christian Golf Society
  • Edge Ministries
  • Engage
  • Home for Good
  • Christian Police Association
  • Covenant Eyes