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Posted date: 23 Dec 2016


Trip for a fathers and their kid(s) to Moldova: 22 July - 5 August 2017

After launching the Epic Adventure last year, CVM have teamed up with Mission Direct again to offer dads* the chance to get involved in overseas mission work with the unique feature of being able to take their children** with them.


Your mission should you accept it...
Moldova is one of the most vulnerable nations in Europe. When you visit here you take a step back in time, working in villages with roads dominated by geese and cows. In the rural communities, winters hit hard and many marginalised people don’t survive them because of inadequate housing.


Stuff you can do...
Working with the local community in a rural town, you’ll help to refurbish houses - restoring dignity and giving life-saving warmth for the winter months. Expect lots of painting, decorating and some light construction, with a lot of distraction from the town’s children!


Other stuff to do...
You’ll also visit and support community projects, such as a play-scheme for children and the MAD centre for disabled children. And at the end of your two-week trip, you’ll travel to the capital city of Chisinau, visiting it’s beautiful Cathedral and historic UNESCo monasteries. You may even get to enjoy a day’s canoeing or maybe explore the world’s largest wine cellars. This is truly a cross-cultural experience to remember.


Take your child, dad or both...
Taking one or more of your children on this trip can be a significant milestone in the lives of all involved. It forges a great environment for dad & kid bonding; it’s an evangelistic experience if child (or even father) is a non believer; it works as a ‘Real World’ reality check for ‘comfortable’ kids and adults; it examples mission to your kids as a way for them to follow; it creates vision and passion, from a young age, for very needy lives and communities.


Cost: £995 per person incl. flights, accommodation, food, insurance, transport etc.

More info:

* Dads, grandads, uncles, etc.
** Children age 7+


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