Posted date: 23 Sep 2016
Nick and his blind friend Mick, were among six riders who completed the London to Brighton cycle ride for CVM. They lined up alongside hundreds of other cyclists on Sunday 11 September, all heading for the famous seaside town in Sussex.
Nick sent us his ‘version of events’...
“We were dropped off in Clapham [for the start of the event] and had a great ride with wonderful weather. On Saturday it rained most of the day, but Sunday was stunning. Warm, sunny, dry and little wind.
"We began cycling at 8.00. Lunch stop was at Turner's Hill - good food, well organised. We were then picked up in Brighton."
Nick and Mick’s combined sponsorship was about £375.
Lunch At Turners Hill Sea Front in Brighton
You can still sponsor Nick, Mick and the other of our riders...
Nick Bailey’s fundraising page
Mick Duplock’s fundraising page
Alan Rogers & Mike Daintree’s fundraising page
Clive Anstey’s fundraising page
Stuart Gibbs’ fundraising page
4000 cyclists took part (aged about 12 to 80).
“That was the longest ride that Mick has ever done. No punctures, no mechanicals; one near miss with a hedgerow after another cyclists was turning right onto a footpath!
“The toughest part of the ride was the 1 mile climb up Ditchling Beacon, which we did without walking, keeping going in 1st gear - we did wonder if we would make itâ€
Ditchling Beacon...
Location: South Downs, north east of Brighton
Distance: 0.9 miles / 1.45 km
Height gain: 143m
Average gradient: 9%
Max gradient: 16%
We saw and spoke to 5 other tandem pairs. No other blind riders though.