Posted date: 14 Jul 2016
The #FruitGate controversy has rumbled on all summer so it’s a natural progression that we tell you about this VERY limited edition offer.
You’ve seen the social media messages, you’ve watched the videos, you’ve witnessed, what we can only describe as, ‘fruit hypocrisy’ at The Gathering....NOW buy the t-shirt!
Costing £10, this good quality t-shirt will be out of stock soon, so order now to avoid disappointment.
We have some cool new pin badges too!
Ring the CVM office: 01246 452483 to order your #FruitGate t-shirt and badges.
Please note: CVM is not in any way against the eating of fruit, so long as it’s done in private. Fruit is good for you if part of a calorie controlled diet and if sprinkled on a healthy fry-up.