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Christian Vision for Men

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Posted date: 1 Feb 2016


Founding Fathers is a great church giveaway for Father’s Day. It’s a book that will equip men to be fathers, not only to their kids but also to the fatherless. 
Get a massive discount when you buy a pack of 10 Founding Fathers books. Use them as your church’s Father’s Day giveaway.


Good male role models, are so urgently needed for children and young people.

Founding Fathers is a book by Nathan Blackaby with contributions from Carl Beech, Mark Chester, Dave Hearn, Krish Kandiah, Steve Legg, Ian Manifold, Jason Royce and Doug McWilliam. It offers thinking and help to dads as well as men with no children who could still be a key influence to a fatherless generation.

Subjects include: fostering, adoption, blended families, toddlers, teenagers, talking about sex, rites of passage, limited access and grand-parenting.


£5 each + PP
£30 + PP for box of 10 - order as a Father’s Day giveaway


Order your pack of Founding Fathers here.
Also available on Kindle


"Get the men in your church tooled up for Father's Day this year!"
Nathan Blackaby, CVM Exec Director of Ministry


“Nathan and CVM have smashed it with this resource. There is an urgent need to help guys stand strong as fathers and spiritual fathers across the generations.”
Carl Beech, CVM President
The CVM Team


Discount only available for every multiple of 10 copies purchased.


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