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Posted date: 20 Jun 2016


You may or may not have taken part in our survey of the CVM database last year, but if you did, you’ll remember us asking what your first ever car was. And though some of those on our database may not have been driving for a long time and may still be on their first car, it did turn up some interesting answers.

p.s. here’s the findings from one part of our survey last year


We asked you what was the first car you owned
Most popular answers:

1. Ford Fiesta

2. Mini

3. Ford Escort Mk II

4. Ford Cortina

5. Morris Minor

6. Vauxhall Viva

7. Ford Anglia

8. Vauxhall Nova

9. VW Polo

10. Hillman Imp

(not everyone specified date or mark)


Cars that just missed out on the Top 10: Vauxhall Chevette, Ford Escourt Mk IV and Vauxhall Astra


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