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the crazy way
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Christian Vision for Men

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Posted date: 15 Jun 2016


With the 2016 F1 season having kicked off in Melbourne on 20 March, a new season also means an exciting new initiative here at CVM.

It could hardly go unnoticed that over the last few years cars and bikes have been a fantastic aid in helping introduce guys to Christ. There’s been race cars, race bikes and rally cars as well as some pretty awesome road cars forming the ‘avenue of automotive art’ at The Gathering. It’s been totally cracking, but we’re thinking we can take it up a gear, because just as sports ministry has become an incredible mission ‘vehicle’, we too have witnessed a similar potential starting to unfold through bikes, cars and racing.


Alvin Davies
Taking a break: Alvin with a couple of projects on the go

“It’s lights out…”
Therefore, as we move forward I’m really pleased to announce that I have just taken on the role of CVM’s Motorsports Coordinator. It’s a position that we are developing as we look to share the Good News of Jesus in unique and exciting ways. The role will include working with Christians who are up for using their wheels and themselves in UK outreach. It will involve us developing common resources (booklets, social media, web presence etc.) so we can share our faith appropriately in a well-angled approach. It will mean putting on events and speaking at breakfasts/CVM groups, and it will also incorporate an exciting new initiative for men’s groups - to help inspire further groups and encourage existing ones (… still under wraps, but news of which will follow shortly). Lastly it will involve a new race team specifically aimed at sharing Jesus both in, and through, racing events. Groups and individuals will be able to bring friends confident of a great day of racing, friendship, encouragement, BBQ and a well-presented intro to Jesus Christ. There’s much to do, develop and build. Right now I’m working on ministry funding, sponsorship possibilities and outreach resources, as well as being up to my elbows in oil, petrol, tyres and car parts (of an evening).

We’ve already had some stellar race folk say they are in with us. I can’t tell you just how encouraging it is when those who push to win today grasp the task of playing their own part in winning others for Christ for eternity - true and ultimate winning for sure. As you can tell I’m looking forward to the ongoing CVM journey with cars and bikes and I hope that you too will join us as we travel. It’s an exciting time, and an exciting road to be on. It’s certainly the crazy way…


“… and it’s GO!!”
Last weekend the new US Haas F1 team ‘hit the road running’ with an incredible sixth place on their debut. Let’s also open up the throttle as “the road rises up to meet us” (as that old Celtic prayer says) and race with eternity as our goal through 2016 and beyond. Blessings ahead, hold on tight. 

Alvin Davies.

CVM’s Motorsports Coordinator.

Andy Haynes
Andy Haynes
Nick Grahame
Nick Grahame
Paul Bryant
Paul Bryant
Gary Thomas
Gary Thomas


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