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The Gathering
the crazy way
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Christian Vision for Men

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Posted date: 24 Mar 2016


Announcing some great items for sponsorship at The Gathering 2016

The Gathering is the UK’s fastest* growing Christian festival for men, and we’re offering you the chance to invest in a weekend that’s like no other. An event that sees many men become followers of Jesus each year!
Our numbers will be around 2,500 this year so if you represent a company, organisation or men’s group, it’s also a great opportunity to raise your profile or communicate a specific message to all the men who will be in attendance.

Serious or fun...
Our items for sponsorship are a mixture of big and small, serious and fun. We heavily rely on sponsorship to deliver a high quality and life changing weekend for the men who attend, so whether you’re attending The Gathering ’16 or not, sponsoring a bit of it can make an eternal difference.


2 Types...
We’ve created 2 areas of sponsorship to cater for both serious and lighter promotional needs. One is for organisations and companies and, as well as the chance to exhibit, it offers larger ‘sections’ of The Gathering to use to publicise your message. The other gives individuals, men’s groups etc. the opportunity to help us deliver a great festival by sponsoring one of the many smaller items that help make The Gathering what it is.

Our items for sponsorship:
Main marquees - £1,500 each
Toilet blocks - £1,100 - TAKEN
Shower blocks - £490 each/£1,200 all
Official carrier bag sponsorship - £800
Bibles for new believers - tbc - TAKEN
Euro 2016 England/Wales football screening - £500
Camera kit - £500
Skip (for refuse) - £500
Chairs (Main Tent) - £400
Chairs (Mess Tent) - £300
Tables (Mess Tent) - £300
Fire extinguishers - £300
Inflatables - £200
Telehandler - £200
Zorbs - £150
Skittle Alley - £150
Portaloos - £100 each
Power generators - £50 each

Find out full details...
Mini Sponsorship Pack for individuals & men’s groups - Download
Main Sponsorship & Exhibiting Pack for organisations & companies - Download

Have a look and see what fits your promotional needs best and then get in contact with us -

Find both links to download each pack here.

*we reckon


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