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Christian Vision for Men

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Posted date: 6 Dec 2011

British Men Chose The Bible

A year-long project to provide British blokes with ‘man-friendly’ Bible studies has now come to an end. CVM has received international praise for The Code initiative to encourage men to get stuck into the teachings of Jesus.

The project was started to help churches buck the alarming trend of men falling away from church. Pastors from across the UK are now using the CVM Code material to challenge and inspire the men in their congregations.

CVM Head of Resources and Communications Alex Willmott, who developed 12 months of Bible studies on the back of The Code, is pleased with the results. He said: “It’s phenomenal to see men from different backgrounds, cultures and regions taking time out to read the Bible together. Basically, there’s four Bible studies for each month which can be explored by a group of blokes or individually. Each study looks at what Jesus says specifically about male issues. Though we are really keen to see men and women read the Bible together, we can’t get away from the fact that some issues in our culture affect men differently. We are now hearing great stories of men gathering together to read the Bible, challenge each other and support one another. It’s about being honest with your brothers in the Christian faith.”

XII_logo.jpgThe Code Bible studies look at 12 faith issues including how men treat their wives, children, co-workers and employers. CVM General Director Rev Carl Beech pioneered The Code movement two years ago alongside CVM Chairman Ian Manifold and Rev Andy Drake.

Each Bible study consists of a pledge and a prayer to keep men focussed on the bigger picture during the week.

Denominational leaders have also commended CVM for making the studies so widely available. John Glass, General Superintendent of the Elim Pentecostal Church, said: “The Code studies are inspirational and challenging. CVM has scored a hat-trick with this project.”

David Coffey, former President of the Baptist World Alliance, described the studies as: “An excellent tool for men to approach the Bible.”

The twelve free Bible studies can be downloaded at: 


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