Posted date: 8 Jul 2015
Do you support a football team and want to see fellow supporters learn more about Jesus?
If so, Rawfaith is for you.
CVM has committed to setting up Christian supporters groups for every football club around the UK no matter what tier or standard of football they play. By combining the UK’s most loved sport with faith in Jesus we hope to impact the world of football at its heart, by introducing fellow fans to Jesus. We are recruiting club coordinators for each team, responsible for their club’s Christian supporters. Click this link for more information on what is involved in being a coordinator for your team.
These groups will act as an outreach mechanism for football fans; helping us football lovers share the good news of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to have a Christian presence at the heart of every football club’s fan base with the specific aim of reaching out to fans.
“Football, we love it! So let’s introduce 1,000,000 men to Jesus using it! If you love football and want to tell your mates about Jesus, then be part of the CVM movement, check out Rawfaithâ€
Nathan Blackaby,
CVM Exec. Director of Ministry
If you support a football team make sure you join your team’s group. When you join you will:
Linking in with Rawfaith and being part of your team’s group is one of the best ways to enhance both your match day and all round football supporter experience, as well as providing the basis for evangelism to your football friends.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter - @RawFaithUK and if your team play in the Premiership or Championship then you can already get linked in with your team’s Christian supporters by joining team specific Facebook groups Rawfaith have set up, just search – 'team name FC Christian supporters' and click join group.
*club coordinators of some teams have yet to be appointed