Posted date: 24 Feb 2015
March 14th 2015 at 9. 26 am is INTERNATIONAL PI MOMENT, the only one which will happen in your lifetime.
Taking the American date/time format you have:
3 14 201509 26 or 3.1415926 which is the mathematical constant Pi
The ‘bwithu piemen’ won’t miss out on any opportunity so you are all invited to join them in a celebration over a BLOKES BREAKFAST with BOISTEROUS BANTER. 8.30 am at The Hole in the Wall, Main Road, Underwood NG16 5GQ
That same evening at St James Church Brinsley (NG16 5DB) they turn from Mathematics to Philosophy when with the assistance of the Damaris Trust watch and question the award winning film Life of Pi .
Popcorn will be served.
Ladies are welcome to the evening event.
This is in addition to their Thursday night Pie Nights at the Underwood Miners Welfare.
The piemen do hope to see a number of you, so you’d like to join in the fun, an email confirmation from you to help them put out the right number of seats would be good.
Contact: Bob Tyers
bwithu piemen