Posted date: 28 Apr 2014
Christian Vision for Men and The Baptist Men's Movement are thrilled to announce that they are covenanting together to introduce men to Jesus Christ across the UK. CVM is deploying its UK national mission team and evangelistic resources to resource and equip the BMM to introduce men in Baptist Churches to Jesus. Working with the national leadership of the BMM the two organisations are already collaborating on a training conference to be held later in 2014.
CVMs International Director, Rev Carl Beech said: "CVMs national network and resources combined with the strong UK BMM presence in Baptist churches means that together we can reach many more men with the gospel. We've been bowled over by the passion and enthusiasm of the BMM and feel that this is a significant moment in evangelism to men."
Tony Aylward, of the BMM, said: "It's well known that church attendance of men is in decline and that we need to look at this issue in a focussed way. For many years the BMM has pioneered men's ministry in Baptist Churches. Together with CVM, we believe that we can help our churches even more and we're very excited to be working together."