Posted date: 27 Mar 2014
Well, what a trip. If you love sport, sunshine, world class facilities, laughing, meeting great Jesus loving blokes and meeting great not-yet Jesus loving blokes then the Club La Santa trip should not be missed.
A week on and my body is just about recovering, it’s hard not to take advantage of all the amazing state of the art facilities, exercise classes and the opportunity to cycle around volcanoes, some of the crazy cyclists chose to go up them? The good thing was there was no pressure to do anything and some of the guys just did the odd stretch and relax classes and sightseeing tours around Lanzarote.
Every evening we gathered to laugh as Carl showed humorous clips and footage of our activities as well as sharing the Gospel message in his inimitable, appropriate and relevant way. By the end of the week I was enjoying some very deep chats with guys I hadn’t met before. After sweating, laughing, drinking and eating together for a few days most guys start to open up.
The quality runs, triathlons, badminton, wind-surfing, mountain biking, boxercise, gym, tennis, duathlons, biathlees, swimming, cycling, squash, football, beach volleyball etc were brilliant fun icebreakers. As soon as you see this trip advertised for 2015 I recommend you invite a friend and book in, after me of course!
CVM Sports/Jesus Fanatic