Posted date: 4 Dec 2013
CVM SA at this time is a group of men in Jeffrey’s Bay and Port Elizabeth. We were able to all come together for a camp in the wonderful bush of South Africa. It was a two day camp where we enjoyed fellowship, testimonies and the word of God.
We’re not quite there yet with providing the amazing activities that CVM in the UK provide (don’t forget to book up for THE GATHERING 2014); however we did have some fun times.
The campsite where we stayed is surrounded with some awesome hills that many of us climbed. Beyond our trekking in the bush we all went horse riding. For most of us, this was our first time on a horse. Once the horses made it to the beach we saw what they were capable off! Man those horses can sprint – it was a case of hold on for dear life!! GREAT FUN!
Beyond the fellowship and actives, God had a special message for us as men of God. The weekend was split up nicely with plenty of time spent listening to God.
Some of the highlights included the need to stand firm as men of God with integrity, even when pressure to conform to the world around us is right in our face. Our biblical example for this teaching was Daniel 1:1-21.
The weekend concluded with a study of Jason Bourne (yep, the black op’s assassin from the Bourne trilogy). As men of God we can learn a lot from such a character – his skills with the weapons available to him for example; (we have mighty weapons available to us, not least the Word of God). But the biggest lesson is about how Jason Bourne didn’t know who or what he was. Too many men in the church today don’t know who or what they are. Ephesians 1:3-14 details who we are. As we claim the blessings detailed in these verse, for our lives, we can stand up as the mighty giants that God has designed us all to be.
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