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Posted date: 28 Oct 2013

Thank you!

A message from Carl Beech after running the Snowdonia Marathon:

Steve (AKA Pincher) and I want to say thank you for cheering us on and praying for us as we run what was an extremely challenging marathon in Snowdonia. It was very hilly and off road in parts with rocky, muddy and steep climbs and descents. They say its the toughest road marathon in Europe and going by the near 45 degree climb for 2 miles at the end…I'm inclined to agree! We covered over 2,100 feet of climbing over 26.2 miles and came in with very decent times! (Steve beat me by 40 minutes so huge respect to him!)

Thank you also for your financial support which is much needed as we always hit a lean patch every year between October to December and we have ambitious plans in motion to launch a brand new evangelistic initiative in 2014 to support you guys on the ground as you tell your mates/family/colleagues about Jesus Christ. Every penny raised has made a significant difference to us financially but also really encourages us personally to know that we are part of a great national movement. We have reached over 60% of our target which is brilliant. It was amazing also to bump into a couple of CVM supporters on the way round! Tremendously encouraging!

With huge appreciation and on behalf of Steve and the rest of the team.

You can still donate here:


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