Posted date: 11 Jul 2013
We’re excited to announce a new partnership between CVM and Caring for ex-offenders (CFEO).
CFEO seeks to reduce reoffending by reintegrating ex-offenders (of any faith or none) into society through local church communities. This is where you come in – CFEO needs more groups who are willing to mentor, support and get stuck in with the lives of men coming out of prison.
The Gathering 2013 marked the first year CFEO made the trip to a field near Swindon. If you came along you may have connected with them and heard a bit about our plans.
Your group can start working with CFEO straight away - just get your group leader to complete a registration form and send it to the CFEO office.
We are looking at running some training specifically for CVM groups so if you’d like to come along to one, please email
For more information you can visit or read our information guide.