I am constantly being asked “How can I tell the guys at work about Jesus?” I am asked this question so often that you would be forgiven for thinking that it should have been the first blog in this series of blogs and not the last. It wasn’t a mistake that I have done them in this order and that this is indeed the last one in the series.
Let me explain, as Christian men we would love to see our mates at work give us the opportunity to share the Gospel with them but let’s be real and honest about this and think about it from our colleagues point of view.
If you are known as the guy who is always moaning about your work, never having a smile on your face and constantly having a go about the boss behind his back. Then the chances are your colleagues won’t really see you as being different and that Jesus does have a positive effect on your life.
But, if you’re the guy who is always happy and positive at work no matter what the job is or the circumstances because you know that your real boss is God and your work is an act of worship then people will notice the difference and ask why.
If you are known as the guy at work with no integrity who never does what he promises to do, who is known to “borrow” a few things from work and never return them, then the chances are your colleagues won’t really see you as being different and that Jesus does have a positive effect on your life.
But, if you’re the guy who is always tries to do the right thing and is much more interested in your character than your career then people will notice the difference and ask why.
If you are known as the guy at work who doesn’t treat colleagues very well and never really shows anyone any love or compassion, then the chances are your colleagues won’t really see you as being different and that Jesus does have a positive effect on your life.
But, if you’re the guy who treats everyone at work, even the people you don’t get on with or like very much with love, respect and compassion then people will notice the difference and ask why.
If you are known as the guy at work who is always chatting up the girls, flirting or having an affair with a colleague, then the chances are your colleagues won’t really see you as being different and that Jesus does have a positive effect on your life.
But, if you’re the guy who honours his wife and does everything in his power to protect the sanctity of your marriage then people will notice the difference and ask why.
You see if we are to earn the privilege to talk the talk about Jesus we first have to walk the walk. We have to demonstrate that Jesus has impacted and changed our lives for the better, like only He can.
I am in no way suggesting that we need to be living perfect lives because as we all know that’s impossible and is the reason we need God’s amazing grace. However as we strive to become more like Jesus and show our colleagues a different way to live then the opportunities to share our faith will become much more abundant.
Image Credit: Alejandro Escamilla