If you came to our Gathering this year then you will know about this and what it was all about. (No not Elvis the King, he was last year!) But if you were not with us, let me explain.
At the end of June, 2,300 men descended onto a field near Swindon for CVM’s annual men’s festival. We had sport, beer, axe throwing, cars, bikes, inflatable’s, an ice cream van and even a kebab stand. The point of doing all this stuff is to create a weekend that we actually want to be at, and a place where we can meet Jesus.
Over the last few weeks since the Gathering, we have been washing mud off clothes, resources and equipment. We have been processing paperwork and paying bills, but above all, and the most exciting bit for me, are the stories I have been reading.
These stories are from the men who came to Gathering and met with King Jesus.
Guys who have been through tough times, and good times, men who didn’t even think they needed to know this King Jesus but met him in a field. Reading this stuff is incredible. These are men who felt the presence of God at the Gathering, men who had heard the Bible teaching, the prayers, the worship, the seminars and have given their life to Jesus. Not only is this amazing now, it will still be the best news 10,000 years from now when these lads are in glory!
Remembering back now, on the Saturday afternoon at the Gathering a load of the team had got together to pray. We stood around praying and I was praying too but asking God for some sort of picture. I don’t get a lot of pictures in prayer but sometimes God does give them, so I ask for them.
On this occasion I had this picture of Royalty visiting the Gathering, but this was no Queen, or even a prince … the King had shown up. Sounds a bit strange I know but I had this picture of the king turning up to a field near Swindon.
Whilst this was going on the group had started to pray for Mike Vickers, who was also due to speak that day. I went over and put a hand on his shoulder to pray and as I did he gasped, I saw it and felt it, bit weird. Straight after the prayer time he came up to me and said that gasp, was at the precise moment he had a picture of King Jesus walking through the tent putting His hand on the shoulder of men.
Why am I sharing this? Well that night it happened! Over 150 men came forward to accept Jesus as Saviour or to recommit themselves to this King. Amazing! The build up, the weekend, the mud, the fun, the mayhem, the cowboy hats, the whole thing is ultimately about one thing, to see the King arrive and do what ONLY He can do: change lives and bring forgiveness of sin.