If you have been in connection with CVM for a while or been to any of our events you will know that the top 10 isn’t just something we do, we own it.
I’m not sure where or how this started but we love a good top ten at CVM, and when it comes to planning for the Gathering, it gets real.
I started to think about the ultimate top ten and for me it would need to be my top ten bible verses and why. So, without further ado, let’s go for it. Stay with me for the next 10 weeks and if you want to, tweet or contact us with your top 10 bible verses.
10. So let us go out to him, outside the camp, and bear the disgrace he bore.
Hebrews 13:13 NLT
You might have come across this one before but I doubt it as it’s a bit of a hidden gem.
The context is who Jesus is and what he has done, and then that incredible shift over to us , us not being stuck or afraid to be all in for Jesus, even if it costs you everything you have!
I remember being in France looking at the preserved WW1 trenches and seeing the horror of just how close the battle was. It was easy in the trench to get as low as I could and find a spot to be that wouldn’t offer complete safety but would keep me out of the line of direct fire. Huddled and tucked up in the corner I could get a small insight at how it might have been, a truly desperate time and one for real courage.
I had a bit of a moment in that trench thinking about my life as a Christian bloke and how easily it is to find a safe corner away from the heat of battle. When the conversation is about God and I keep quiet, or the moment to pray out loud and I choose the inner prayer. These opportunities come and go all the time and this verse hit me hard.
Am I willing to go outside the camp, away from the comforting heat of the camp fire to be willing to bear the disgrace He bore? Yeah, I am. Will I speak for Jesus, be his hands and feet, be the man the Captain calls me to be even if it means I step up onto the parapet and stick my head up over the top of the trench? Yeah, I am.
Let’s go out to him fellas, outside the camp because that’s where he seems to be, engaged on a rescue mission in enemy territory!
Image Credit: Aaron Burden