2019, a new year ahead, a year of hope, a year of new beginnings, a year with so much potential. People often look ahead to another year and say, ‘a new year will be a new me’.
Many of us will have or will be doing tax returns before the end of January, this was my first one for being self-employed and I did the return online, under the self-assessment.
Self-assessment is what we all seem to do at the start of another year, we assess what we eat, what we do for a career, relationships, family life etc.
Gym membership goes through the roof in January, diets are more popular than ever, and you know what, these are all great for our lifestyle. Being physically fit is of huge benefit, you look and feel so much better, and the energy levels increase so that you want to keep up the lifestyle.
There are so many verses in the Bible on fitness, self control and your body being a temple for Kingdom work.
In 1 Corinthians ch 9 v 24-27 – 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. 25 Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26 So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. 27 But I discipline my body and keep it under control,[a] lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
As Christians it is vital we keep our bodies in good shape to help us do the work God has assigned us to do for his Kingdom. Eating, sleeping and exercising well are all great habits to have to help us along in life`s journey.
I know that illness can take us out, whether fit or unfit, these are things that we cannot control, and we pray God`s love and grace to one another at these hard times.
What is vitally important for the believer however is our spiritual walk, that we exercise our Faith, making sure we ‘eat’ the right stuff, reading the word of God each day has to be part of our spiritual fitness. Prayer is another daily habit, the more we read the word and the more we pray, then we will be spiritually fit.
And like 1 Corinthians says about running a race, it is so important to have other runners along beside you, fellow believers in Christ who will encourage, be there at your shoulder and help you along when we will inevitably start to tire.
I am 50 years old this year, and in good shape, well that’s what I tell myself………, but I know that this body will not last forever. I do believe though that I have a responsibility to look after what God has given me, to eat the right food, to sleep well and make sure I can keep going as long as I can , or until our Heavenly Father calls me home.
Our Spirit never ages, and one day we will go home to eternity, where we will never tire or be old, but until then, please look after yourself, physically, emotionally and most importantly spiritually.
Image Credit: Steve Johnson