A fast paced life means a life of action and constant activity! One where you get to run from one amazing event to the next.
One minute you are at work, producing for the world, then you are running to a lunch with your partner and you talk about how amazing the day is, then, after the scheduled hour it is right back to run to work to an important meeting. Afterwards you run back home so you are still able to enjoy time with your family.
That is what a fast paced life means. It is not like some people say ‘A life without time for others’, but instead a life that simply has a lot going on.
As parents to five kids, my wife and I are often running around after them. It can feel like I’m a full time taxi driver, taking the kids to and from their activities. So with so much going on, work, family, church, sport etc, how do we know that we are making the right decisions?
As Christians, we have prayer, the word of God and good counsel to help us make the decisions we think are right. Decisions which we believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to through our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
There are many verses in the Bible on making the right decision
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Proverbs 3: 5-6
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Often the Bible can say the opposite to what we think we should be doing. The Bible is full of encouragement to ‘Trust in the lord or submit to him’, which can be hard and does not seem to make sense at the time.
The world puts pressure on us to make an instant decision, we often hear, ‘I need you your answer now’, and all too often we live to regret making a quick decision.
Like many people in Britain, I look at our current political landscape and am fearful on what the future could look like post Brexit and what the consequences might be. Many have lost trust in our political leaders. Society seems to be taking God out of every area of public and private lives, and people are making decisions based on the flesh or what the media propaganda machine is throwing at them.
As Christians we are blessed to have the Holy Spirit and the Bible to guide us as we seek what decisions we need to make. Don’t get me wrong, I have and still will, make silly decisions, but I also know deep down that God`s plans are best for me if I seek them out rather than my own. He is a loving, patient Father who will always be there for us.
So this blog is hopefully an encouragement to us all as we make decisions big or small. Could be a new career, house move, family decision or just a simple decision to go see a friend. Involve God in the decision making progress … as we seek God in prayer he will give you an answer in his timing, be patient, try and live life at a slower pace, and trust that the Lord will guide your steps into a better way to live.
Image Credit: Jens Lelie