When I started my Ironman training the first thing I did was get the right gear I needed: trainers, shorts and spent hours looking at bikes. (Didn’t buy one don’t panic!) Before I had even started to train my swim, ride or run I was online looking at the right stuff I needed to compete.
CVM have spent more than a decade building up the right gear for you to grow in your faith, to build a passion and heart for the gospel and to forge a desire to reach the lost blokes around us.
We have a network of men’s groups that will put fuel on the fire and get stuff really moving. We have seen guys meet Jesus through the resources, the men’s groups and events all over the UK. We know that this stuff works, and getting the right resources, gear and standing with a band of brothers is essential. BUT!
The gear, resources and strategy without the heart and conviction to do something for the kingdom of God will be useless. You need to give a stuff about the blokes you know who don’t know Jesus, and that it bothers you that these fellas are skipping into hell without a voice calling them from that path. Otherwise it’s a bit like me shopping for trainers when I don’t even want to go running.
I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, actually, no I’m not sorry at all. The reality is we need to care, we need to reach our mates with the good news that Jesus is alive. I remember hearing our Scottish Director, Stephen, telling me his testimony over a cheeky Chinese meal. He said ‘all these Christian fellas would talk to me about the weather, football, cars but never tell me about Jesus!’
We have got the best news guys, our saviour is alive! Here at CVM we want to resource you, tool you up for the fight and plug you into a group of guys that have caught the evangelism virus and are sneezing over everyone. (sorry, awful illustration!)
Our heart is that you stand with us, build that heart for the lost men around you and commit to being part of the team reaching out. We can do it, we can see the culture shifting, with the amount of men saved in the UK impacting this country incredibly. We can see families gospel, communities, towns and villages impacted with the Gospel and set ablaze with Jesus people.
Don’t do what I did with the Ironman! Count the cost, get fuelled up, be transformed and with the right gear, together we can see a million men introduced to Jesus!
Image Credit: Martin Kníže
Check out our new Team CVM Podcast that we launched TODAY!!!