On Monday 25thMarch I reached the ripe old age of 50. I cannot believe how quickly this has happened, seems like only yesterday I was celebrating my 21st, (not that I can remember much from that evening, but that is another story……..).
Turning 50 has actually been a joy, and I certainly do not feel any different. The body is not in too bad shape and my mind is functioning well, and as my darling wife says I still think and act like a 21 year old.
We often judge what people should or should not do because of age, yet in the Bible we see how God used many people in very old age.
CVM are renowned for their famous Top 10`s, so how about the 10 oldest people from the bible.
10. Enoch age 365
9. Lamech age 777
8. Mahalalel age 895
7. Enos age 905
6. Kenan age 910
5. Seth age 912
4. Adam age 930
3. Noah age 950
2. Jared age 96
1. Methuselah age 969
So going by the bible, 50 is still an infant, and I hope and pray there is a few more years for me on planet earth to fulfil the call on my life.
What ever our age is, there are some very important conditions to be fulfilled if we want to be used by God. Simeon and Anna fulfilled these conditions. That’s why they were powerful instruments in the hands of God. (Luke Ch 2 v 21- 40).
Be full of the Holy-Spirit
For God to use us, we should be full of the Holy-Spirit. The Spirit of God was upon Simeon and Anna in a powerful way. They were attentive to His leading and were moved by His power. Old age is not an obstacle for God as long as you are full of the Holy Spirit. You see t the Lord can use a person mightily irrespective of his/her age.
God has made special promises to old people. God really wants to use old people in the last days.
In Acts 2: 17-18 we read: “In the last days, God says, I will pour my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”
Even though the world we live in will write off people because of age, the spirit in us will never age and God will use those of us who have a different Spirit. Men like Caleb, who saw through supernatural eyes and was obedient to the call on his life (Numbers Chapters 13 and 14).
Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby having been doing the Codelife Podcasts and these have really blessed me.
The Code has 12 codes to base our lives on, and XII is If I fail I will not give up. He never gives up on me.
So no matter how old we are we will still make mistakes, but Jesus will never give up on us, he is our Lord and Saviour.
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (Isaiah 46 v 4).
God is calling both young and old people to serve Him in these last days. Let us all rise to serve Our Precious Lord.
God bless you abundantly.