Can we make a difference in the world?
Telemachus was a monk in the early fifth century. He travelled to Rome and watched gladiators hacking themselves to death. He was appalled and traumatised by what he saw. When he could take no more, he stood to his feet and cried out:
“In the name of Christ, forbear – STOP!”
He was a solitary voice among the bloodthirsty cheering. The crowd bristled and told him to shut up, but he refused and raised his voice again. The furious spectators turned on him and stoned him to death, enraged that someone would dare to interfere with their “entertainment.”
The little monk lay dead in a pool of blood and the crowd fell silent. One man decided to leave in disgust. Others followed suit and soon a massive exodus took place. Three days later, the Emperor by decree ended the Games. There would never be gladiatorial games held at the Colosseum again.
Telemachus had no idea – he died on the ‘grandstand’ – but his legacy was a final ending to the blood-letting.
Life is painful. Live boldly and beautifully and you’ll leave a wonderful legacy behind.