My friend. I want to tell you that the light inside you is stronger than the darkness that surrounds you. That if your every request would result in your happiness I would surely give them to you. If giving you your desires would be truly beneficial, you would have them all. But we both know that learning and changing takes time, and the journey is as important as the destination.
I want to answer all your questions, but if you are honest, most of them are smokescreens so you don’t have to answer my questions. What do you think will happen? Do you really think I will leave you? Give up on you? Walk out on you? Punish you?
My friend would I have gone to the cross if I didn’t believe I could save you, and in saving you bring you into life as it was created, by me coincidentally, to be? To understand grace you first have to know you need it. And because you need it, come and learn from it, because when everyone has given up on you, I am still standing here. I stand with a gift of grace with your name on it.
Yours Truly,
The Captain.