I have a confession. What this girl really wanted growing up, was to be a boy. Not in an ‘unsure about gender identity’ kind of way, but in a ‘they seem to be having all the fun’ kind of way. I was a girl who liked climbing trees, building dens and racing the boys down […]
Tag: women
Are you caught up in the hunt for a bunch of roses and a 2kg bar of chocolate for your significant other half? Or are you standing your ground in defiance, voicing a silent protest against the marketing and commercialisation of a day of romance? Or maybe, you are in a different place all together, […]
So, here is a question that I suspect lots of you reading might want to comment on, so feel free. The question is simply this; is chivalry dead? Let me start with a story. It is stated that Sir Walter Raleigh, when he invented the chopper bike, no wait sorry, let me start again. Raleigh […]
In considering writing something for Valentines day, I have to confess the commercial pomp and fizz around the day does little for me and my wife. However, readers beware, there is a hidden trap that many men have fallen into. It’s that conversation the week before about Valentine’s day, you know the one. ‘What are […]
It’s International Women’s Day today – so why is Christian Vision for Men highlighting this? In lots of spheres across the world, people are working for equal opportunities for men and women. CVM is involved in this too… The problems The current average gender ratio in the UK Church is 1 man : 2 women […]
It’s always been understood that a shed is a man’s domain… But now there is the “She Shed” – to read more about this alarming phenomenon At my church we have a group called Pass-it-On where some of our ladies demonstrate how to do particular things to other ladies. This group has resulted in a […]
Carl Beech kicks off his all-male guest editor week with a challenge to all of us to realise that we are all deeper and more complex than might appear on the surface. Okay, before we get into this, I need to lay my cards face up on the table. I like fast cars and motorbikes […]