Over the last few weeks, well 6 to be accurate, I have been able to spend some good time with my children. We did the normal day trips out to the zoo and other locations that were utterly mobbed by parents just like me. A look of desperation in our eyes, exhausted from having the […]
Tag: wisdom
This is part two of a blog series on finding the narrow path in every situation of life. This week, Jon explores what it looks like to ‘trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths […]
It had been a particularly tough first few months of the year. My wife and I had become increasingly aware that our son was not going to make it into mainstream school. We sat in a number of education healthcare planning meetings, listening to one missed target after another. As parents, we had been saying […]
There is an old saying that “wisdom is the comb that life gives you when your hair has fallen out”. Another phrase often used is “being wise after the event”. Anthony Trollope wrote that the wisdom of those of mature years comes from reflecting on our failures rather than considering our successes. A sentiment echoed […]
Age means you are still valuable Saga is that well known organisation that focuses on the over 50’s and is often the butt of a comedian’s jokes but a recent survey has calculated that middle age doesn’t start until you have reached 53. Also it has been said that life begins at 60. In this […]
What do you say when someone asks you what you do? We might say that we are retired, in paid employment of some kind or looking for work, unable to work because of health or disability, volunteering, a full-time carer or some combination of the above. We might not have a ready answer but, whatever […]
This lot just made me laugh. (Original source) “If the enemy is in range, so are you.” — Infantry Journal “It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.” — US Air Force Manual “Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” — General MacArthur […]