A couple of years ago we highlighted some apologetics books worth reading. As we were putting the finishing touches to the new Demolition Squad apologetics book (out next month!) we thought it would be good to include a list of further, recommended reading. Here is that list for you. 14 apologetics books, across different subjects, with […]
Tag: william lane craig
Challenge: The stories about Jesus’ resurrection are borrowed from earlier myths in various ancient religions I don’t know about you, but I seem to bump into this objection from time to time, particularly online. The basic thrust of this objection levelled at the Christian faith is that the story of a god’s resurrection is nothing […]
Can we know anything about God outside of the Bible or the historical record? That’s what we’re looking into with this mini-series. What does the information we know about the Universe tell us? Where does the evidence lead? In this first of three classical arguments for the existence of God we want to suggest that […]
The question of morality and the moral argument for God is one of the most misunderstood around. ‘I don’t need to believe in your God to live a good life or to know the difference between good and evil, you t***!’ said everyone I’ve ever raised the issue with. This usually creates such a high […]