It’s often said that life is more about the journey than the destination. Arthur Ashe, to date the only African-American male tennis player to win the U.S. Open and Wimbledon, said “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” But what would we say as followers of Jesus? For longer than I can […]
Tag: travel
Have you seen the white man? I was ‘up country’ in the mountain region of Sierra Leone. It is a country I love and have many friends who live there. It is also a country that suffered from many years of civil war and insurrection. The people suffered terrible atrocities at the hands of ‘rebels’ […]
Picture the scene; RN warship returning from a 6 month deployment. Ships crew lining the decks, looking looking looking to make that eye contact with loved ones on the jetty. Then I saw her … my wife Helen with our 7 month old son Ben. As I looked I thought ‘blimey .. she’s gone grey […]
I had a fantastic week of travels two weeks ago and met a number of fantastic leaders and men. First stop was in Whitehaven (Cumbria) where I spoke on reaching working class men with the gospel. I met a very dedicated group of people who had decided to move the church out of the town […]