So before lockdown kicked in and life changed, I was driving home from a CVM meeting and my phone pinged to let me know I had some messages coming in. At the next opportunity I pulled over to take a look and discovered a mate of mine had sent me a message asking me what […]
Tag: training
I wish I lived in a world that was a lot simpler than it is, back in the day it seemed that way! I am increasingly asked to complete response questionnaires, undertake this or that survey report, or can we store your data for future use? Everything is intrusive, clambering for a bit of me, […]
So I was chatting to a mate of mine recently who is a police officer. As part of his job he has to ‘brush up’ on his PSU (Police Support Unit) training once in a while and it just happened to be this month. If I am honest, PSU training is the type of thing […]
Apologetics is a key tool in sharing the Christian faith. That’s why we’re keen on it here at the Demolition Squad. When Christians give a defense of the hope that they have (1 Peter 3:15) they are providing reasons for belief in Jesus Christ. Many people questioning Christianity have good questions that should be met with good […]
Back in October of 2012 a meeting was held in The Hub to talk about how CVM could equip and resource men across the country and further afield with resources to help them share their faith. The Demolition Squad was born that day. Tasked with the objective of providing good answers to tough questions we […]
In the 5th Century a bloke called Phidippides was a professional runner. To cut a very long story short, at the battle of Marathon the Athenian army was defeated the odds and gave the Persians something of a major kick in. Outnumbered 4 to 1 they launched a surprise but seemingly suicidal offensive. Astonishingly, by […]