I am not sure what a blog is but I am guessing it is a bit like a dit in the Royal Navy. So I will start this dit with a bit of history about me for those that do not know me. I am now 64 and retired from the RN nearly 10 years […]
Tag: test
Just recently I was given the news that I had Metastatic Oesophageal cancer with a shortened life expectancy of 9 months. Although the consultant was looking directly at me for one brief moment, I had to check myself from turning around to see if she was talking to someone else. In the weeks and months […]
Have you heard something like this following objection to the reliability of the Bible? “Well, how do we know that what we have in our hands today is what was written by the authors? How do we know that the text hasn’t been modified to suit the political, theological, and personal aspirations of countless numbers […]