Tag: suffering

9 Coffins

As I approached the roundabout I could see the helicopter through the top of my windscreen. It was hovering, purposefully, keeping a keen eye on something yet unseen by me. I next caught sight of the police bikes. Two of them, both with their riders with their hands in the air bringing the oncoming traffic […]

Is It True? Four Talks on God, Religion, Science, and Suffering

Kidlington Baptist Church held a public lecture series in the Summer of 2015. Featuring four leading Christian thinkers, who also happen to each be an Oxford professor, these talks tackle some of the weightiest arguments against belief in God. These talks are all available as a free download (below). We’ve covered some of these topics, religion, science, wishful thinking etc., […]

On Suffering and Calvin and Hobbes

For ten years Bill Watterson entertained the world through his cartoon series, Calvin and Hobbes. In these cartoons Calvin – an intrepid little boy – is always off on some grand adventure with his faithful sidekick, Hobbes. Calvin’s father – a hybrid of Watterson’s own father and himself – is often seen trying to help […]

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