This is part two of a blog series on finding the narrow path in every situation of life. This week, Jon explores what it looks like to ‘trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths […]
Tag: son
It had been a particularly tough first few months of the year. My wife and I had become increasingly aware that our son was not going to make it into mainstream school. We sat in a number of education healthcare planning meetings, listening to one missed target after another. As parents, we had been saying […]
This is my first blog, so please be patient as I navigate my way through this new skill! Writing a blog is a great way to share our journeys in life and to keep folks informed on what’s going on, the good and the not so good! I am the father of 5 beautiful kids […]
This time last year, my wife and I were adjusting to life as new parents. We had gone on the epic journey that is adoption and we were discovering what it felt like to be the proud parents of a 2 year old boy. Now one year on, I have been reflecting on this journey […]