Tag: sin

Why Forgive?

Forgiveness and grace are linked very closely. When I led a junior school assembly last month I explained ‘grace’ by saying ‘no matter how good or bad we are, God loves us just the same.’ In a conflict situation, how do we halt the cycle of blame and pain? In Greek, forgiveness means to release […]

Man Up: Speak!

Thousands of years ago, a man and his wife were walking through a garden. During this stroll, the wife was suddenly approached by a stranger who began to tempt her with supreme knowledge and god-like abilities. She knew it was wrong; he knew it was wrong. But she did it anyway. And through the whole […]

Robert Green: Missing The Mark

By now the jokes are all over the place … “Before he got into football, Robert Green was a bus driver. But he got fired because he couldn’t make any stops.” … or … “At least that’s one British spillage the Americans won’t be moaning about…“ And so on and so on. Suffice to say […]

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