Read this: ‘For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood………God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in […]
Tag: sin
Read this: “My guilt overwhelms me – it is a burden too heavy to bear.” Psalm 38 v 4 Recite this out loud: We can sometimes feel a sense of guilt. Is it a thing in-built, A feeling of real guilt Or just a guilty feeling? Is the guilt the thing Or is the thing […]
“So, why did God have to die?” This question, asked by many, runs to the heart of the Christian faith. Had To? Chose To. One of the most well known Bible verses starts this way, “For God so loved the world …” (John 3:16). Love is a choice. It has to be. Coerced love is […]
Forgiveness and grace are linked very closely. When I led a junior school assembly last month I explained ‘grace’ by saying ‘no matter how good or bad we are, God loves us just the same.’ In a conflict situation, how do we halt the cycle of blame and pain? In Greek, forgiveness means to release […]
Thousands of years ago, a man and his wife were walking through a garden. During this stroll, the wife was suddenly approached by a stranger who began to tempt her with supreme knowledge and god-like abilities. She knew it was wrong; he knew it was wrong. But she did it anyway. And through the whole […]
By now the jokes are all over the place … “Before he got into football, Robert Green was a bus driver. But he got fired because he couldn’t make any stops.” … or … “At least that’s one British spillage the Americans won’t be moaning about…“ And so on and so on. Suffice to say […]