We made it, it has been almost 2 months, if you are still with me on this journey, thank you. Let’s do it, No.1. 01. And so, dear brothers and sisters I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living […]
Tag: scripture
Here we are at No.2 in my top 10 Bible verses. I agonised a lot over this, there are so many sections in the bible that speak so clearly about the impact, scale and earth shattering implications of Jesus’ death on the cross, but I went for this. It just had to be this. 02. […]
HERE. WE. GO! The top 3. It is normally at this point at CVM events we would throw in a ridiculous curve ball to create anarchy. I won’t’ do that here…..ok, here is what I wanted to use. ‘As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.’ Proverbs 26:11. (I was […]
OK, we are almost into the top 3 in this definitive list of my favourite bible verses. Of course, there are more and I could have made a top 100 but I think you may have got bored and stopped reading this blog series, maybe you have already….. hello? 04. We now have this light […]
We are half way through the ultimate top ten list of bible verses that have impacted and spoken the loudest to me. I would love to hear your top ten, tweet me or email CVM. 05. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise […]
Let’s try a doxology for this weeks blog and next top ten bible verse. If you are new to the world of doxologies, don’t worry. It’s nothing you will need cream for from the chemist, it’s just a posh word for an awesome section of prayer and praise that we can find in the bible. […]
Slight curve ball this week, we are digging around in the Psalms. If you are finding your way around the bible for the first time, the Psalms are a great place to start. Real life stories of individuals and communities learning to live in a relationship with God. The highs, the lows, the battles and […]
Ok, so were back with another in the ultimate top ten ever made, and this time I am playing it safe with one of the most well known bible verses ever. Or am I? 08. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall […]
Welcome back fellas, let’s do another in our top ten list of my favourite bible verses. Don’t forget, we would love to hear from you and know what you think. 09. Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a […]
If you have been in connection with CVM for a while or been to any of our events you will know that the top 10 isn’t just something we do, we own it. I’m not sure where or how this started but we love a good top ten at CVM, and when it comes to […]