Each year, when I was a child, we were taken to an ‘open day’ at the Steelworks where my Dad worked, it was a really enjoyable family day out with rides and other entertainment. Consequently, for me, the words ‘Open Day’ became synonymous with such a fun event. However, on a hot summer Saturday in […]
Tag: resurrection
As I write it’s the week before Easter (Holy Week) and we are in lockdown in the middle of the corona virus pandemic. The Prime Minister is in intensive care and the death toll is rising. The talk is of how many deaths there will be, a topic that is not normally spoken about is […]
“Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” John 20:25 I have recently spent some time reflecting on various art works that capture the resurrection of Jesus. There have been many interpretations of this incredible […]
The Roman officer and the other soldiers at the crucifixion were terrified by the earthquake and all that had happened. They said, “This man truly was the Son of God!” Matthew 27:54 This moment in the Bible is actually incredibly moving and holds some powerful challenges for us today, on Good Friday. Picture the scene […]
The enduring image of Mary Magdalene has had a tough reputation both in the Church and popular culture … I fully enjoyed seeing Mary restored to a position of authority as a key apostle of Jesus and an important element of the early church in her own standing.
I remember clear as day the thought in my mind as we swung out on the blind bend to pass the car in front of us, high up in the Alps: “I hope they’re right!” Quite what the French car we were overtaking thought, as our Rover 218 with 6 kayaks on the roof screamed […]
Challenge: The stories about Jesus’ resurrection are borrowed from earlier myths in various ancient religions I don’t know about you, but I seem to bump into this objection from time to time, particularly online. The basic thrust of this objection levelled at the Christian faith is that the story of a god’s resurrection is nothing […]
Big questions require big answers, but sometimes to get going we all need a pointer in the right direction. Andy Bannister and Nathan Betts, who work for RZIM Canada, have created a series of videos answering dozens of the hard questions that Christians are asked about their faith. They have already produced 30 answers and the […]
In the 6th Century a monk by the name of Dionysius Exiguus suggested that the calendar be reworked from the existing Roman model to a model based around the birth of Jesus Christ. 1500 years on and still the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus comprise the pivotal period of history upon which everything else […]
This is the fourth post in our series on The Resurrection. We’ve seen so far that: Jesus died The tomb was found empty Many people reported seeing the resurrected Jesus Fact 4: The Transformation of the Disciples The night before the crucifixion of Jesus, Simon Peter – one of Jesus’ closest friends – in an act of […]