Episode 4 Now Father time marches on And our story’s nearly all done. Saul’s getting bad. Soon he goes mad. From better to worse Like he’s under a curse. Jealous of Dave and his mind’s full of fear. The Philistine Army, again it draws near. He’s full a’ dread. It’s all in his head. He […]
Tag: rap
Episode 3 Read 1 Samuel Ch. 17 v. 28-52. Brother Eliab heard Dave’s ideas, But he got real mad, he turned red to the ears. He said, ‘You’se up yourself, you just talk the talk. Yer heart’s all bad and you don’t walk the walk. Yer head’s too big to fit through the door. You […]
Episode 2 Read 1 Samuel Ch. 17 v 1-27. Now the Phillistines gathered their forces for war And assembled at Socoh in the land a’ Judah. They all lined up at the top of the heights, Across the valley from the Israelites. Down from the Phils came the number one killer. Goliath of Gath, their […]
The story of Dave and the story of Saul Of the Holy Man Sam and Big Bad Gol. Episode 1 This story is true, the events I relate, Four thousand years ago, approximate date. The Lord, the Creator of the universe, Chose Him a people, for better or worse. You listen up good or there’s […]
Read this: They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshipped the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise. Amen! Romans 1 v 25. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6 v 21. Recite this out […]
An amazing story of faith, courage, solidarity and the Power of God which changed the outlook of the most powerful man in the ancient Middle Eastern world. Read this: Daniel Chap 3 v 1-27. Rap this, out loud: Neb built a golden statue—that’s expensive! It musta’ made the people apprehensive. Lovin’ it or cursin’ it, […]
Read this: Daniel Chap 1. Rap this: Jerusalem is on its knees An’ power is with God’s enemies An’ people groan in poverty An’ Dan is in captivity. But ‘cause of his high pedigree He’s earmarked for celebrity; . Fed up on local grub an’ booze, Read up on local culture, views; If Dan makes […]
Read this: Luke ch 2 v 1-16. Recite this, out loud. The Outsiders. At dead of midnight, In the dark stillness, deep silence, Save the odd bleating Of a sheep, We, the outsiders, Distrusted, discounted; We snatched a fleeting Hour of sleep. I was the one awake. I was the watchman, the first man Won […]
Code Ode 1: What’s a Code Ode? Just a rhyme That’s for our time. Hate to use such words, So much used by nerds, But it’s a poem, With somethin’ goin’ For it, for a change. That seems strange. I’m amazed– Nowadays They’re a joke To your ordinary bloke. Still don’t throw Them in the […]
Carl Beech just bought me the latest Black Eyed Pea’s CD–The E-N-D–for my birthday. I must have said I like their music. They must be the best selling hip hop band in the world—amazing music/beat/words/electronic effects. Some of their lyrics are so cool and witty:–‘I’m so 2008, you’re so two thousand and late.’ I suppose, […]