Some time ago I heard Nicky Gumbel talking about the fact there were only 6 people in Saint Pauls on Easter Sunday 1740! Then God raised up two anointed evangelists, Wesley and Whitfield, and thousands came to faith. Throughout history there have been times of renewal and revival – godly moments when the Lords peoples […]
Tag: prayer
Life is just so busy, and we all make it so much busier simply by trying to become successful. I have lost count of both the number of years and the number of times that I have spoken to friends and colleagues about the need to live a life of significance and value. I have […]
The emergency is real and vital; there is no time to waste. The EPRIB IS ACTIVATED. EPIRB stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. An EPIRB is meant to help rescuers locate you in an emergency situation, and these radios have saved many lives since their creation in the 1970s. Boaters are the main users […]
So just the other day I managed to scrape our immaculate 33 year old VW camper van (re-sprayed 18 months ago) down the driver’s side, pulling off the rear wheel arch in the process. The van came off worse in the contest with the rear bumper (or in fact solid steel tube) of a large […]
Sign up for the ultimate connection! For quite some time, 8am on a Sunday morning in our house has become a special time. Not much gets in the way of the whole family gathering around a computer screen to catch up with my Mum in New Zealand. Despite this being a familiar activity, I’m always […]
Well, what an incredible journey that Pam (my wife) and I have been on. To be told only 3 months ago that I should basically prepare for my own funeral as I was given a 9-month shortened life expectancy was a shock. With the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer, the best I could hope for was […]
Before I worked for CVM I was pastoring a small church in Essex. It was a fantastic place and as a family we loved being part of the church and walking with amazing people on their faith journey. Recently I had a phone call about a lady who was part of the church community who […]
The film begins with a graphic scene of Japanese Christians being tortured with boiling water, observed by Father Ferreira (Liam Neeson) who is forced to watch having been captured for propagating Catholicism.
So that’s Christmas done … it’s the time for resolutions now … so easy to make, but so hard to keep for many of us! The decision to keep going with it can be hard, but we all have hard decisions to make don’t we? Which reminds me of a decision making meeting on a […]
Another essential part of training for a triathlon, that I had helpfully ignored was the need to give the body the right fuel and at the right times. If I am honest this came to a head after I had been eating a huge dinner at 8:30pm followed by a glass of wine to wash […]