About the Sport Principle I love rugby league. But this hasn’t always been the case. It took my youngest son joining a local club, and then his coach to organise a trip to watch his club, Wigan Warriors, followed by an international at Anfield, for us to be hooked! We’re now fully paid up long […]
Tag: Power
About the Sport Principle All the sports research points to this. Being confident leads to sporting success. Always! It is generally believed that there are two types of confidence in sport: one is innate and could be described as a natural disposition. It is a generalised belief to do with the extent to which an […]
One of my favourite movie genres is the whole superhero thing. I just love the message that these movies tend to send out. One of my all-time favourite movie quotes is “…with great power comes great responsibility!” I am probably never happier than settling down for an evening to watch ‘Man of Steel’ or the […]
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 (NIV) Maybe you have read this verse before and it has been an inspiration to you, I know that’s true for me. I was recently at the men’s group I am part of, and one of the guys, Rick, shared this bible verse […]
Well, what an incredible journey that Pam (my wife) and I have been on. To be told only 3 months ago that I should basically prepare for my own funeral as I was given a 9-month shortened life expectancy was a shock. With the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer, the best I could hope for was […]
An amazing story of faith, courage, solidarity and the Power of God which changed the outlook of the most powerful man in the ancient Middle Eastern world. Read this: Daniel Chap 3 v 1-27. Rap this, out loud: Neb built a golden statue—that’s expensive! It musta’ made the people apprehensive. Lovin’ it or cursin’ it, […]