The gambling industry are extremely adept in enticing men to participate in what they claim is only a bit fun. My personal experience causes my opinion to differ but for one moment cast aside my 40 year experience as a prolific gambler. Let’s look at the evidence: “When the Fun stops STOP” is a well […]
Tag: money
OK, on to Aseem’s no.9 which looks at the pitfall of buying money. You’ve seen that new 4K curved TV in the sale, there is only one left and you can overhear the fella behind you talking about how he is looking for the same, 4K mega TV! This is it, you can’t hesitate, you […]
“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6: 1-14 I have been on the receiving end of some of the most incredible generosity in my life. This has been through money, but also time, and people actively helping out […]
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the iconic ‘Desert Island Discs’ programme. Now a favourite on Radio 4, it was first broadcast on the BBC Forces Programme on the 29th January 1942. Each week a guest, called a ‘castaway’, is asked to choose eight musical recordings, a book and a luxury item that they […]
If you happened to be walking along your high street and all of a sudden someone accosted you and said with menace “Give us your money!” I would like to think that you would not be intimidated and your response would be “No!” and you would, out of concern that this might happen to someone else, report the matter. […]
Following on from his previous blog, Ian Bartlett unpacks his journey to show how God has moved powerfully in his life in relation to the hold gambling had on him. I gave my life to Jesus on 31st March 2010 and I was baptised on May 30th the same year. I did not gamble at […]
As I said in an email to all our supporters this has been a moving and humbling time for me personally and for the CVM team. It’s tough asking for help. You wrestle to know if it is right or not. With so many deserving causes out there and with many people feeling financially under […]