A little over six months ago my wife Mandy and I stayed at a hotel outside Whitstable in Kent with some very dear friends of ours, Jes and Fiona and Marcus and Sue. Jes and Marcus are both Senior Pastors at two churches in Dover and Deal. During the evening a gentleman approached us while […]
Tag: miracles
Following on from the first post on the question of “Why doesn’t God do incredible miracles today?”, this second thought builds on the fact that although we think an “undeniable” miracle would provide rock-solid evidence for faith, there is much to suggest that it would not. If our hearts are set against belief then no […]
I once asked a non-Christian friend of mine what it would take for him to believe in God. He replied that he would need to see undeniable evidence of his existence through an amazing miracle. I’ve often heard this question asked, and when pressed as to what this miracle might be, people say things like […]