I recently received a potentially terrifying email. My computer had been hacked, and a virus now had access to my camera, address book and web activity. I had been filmed watching porn (not great for a Christian leader!). The dual videos would now be sent side by side to my entire address book unless I […]
Tag: lifestyle
In this series of blogs that I am writing, I am sharing with you the 10 Rules for Living that I am endeavouring to forge into my lifestyle. I am convinced that what the world needs most is men who not only decide to follow Jesus in the sense of making a decision for Him, […]
A few thoughts about driving………….. A couple of years ago I had a very slow speed collision with a motor cyclist, caught in the ‘blind spot’ of my car, he had no reflective clothing on and must have been ignoring all the other traffic activity around him, but in the confusion and shock I admitted […]